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Watercolor artist. International Brand Ambassador for Rockwell art supplies irina01 for 10% discount.

Friday, July 12, 2024

I admire people who are passionate about art. Actually any art...

    This is my another completed watercolor commission. I was focusing on the face of ballerina because It feels like she was living in some sort of parallel ballet reality at the moment. Her movements are soft and graceful as if she follows the music into that invisible world. What is this if not passion?

Another finished watercolor commissions Watercolor commissions (completed)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

New Ballet commission is completed

 I'm so glad the client loved the painting. 

I felt this little ballerina is so fragile and graceful. Simultaneously, she is strong and self conscious. She just made her step forward to another level of ballet dancing which she definitely does enjoy 😊 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Places where you can see and purchase my artwork this summer

     Hello, everyone. This is going to be a busy summer for me. This is something I'm realy excited about because I looove to draw, paint and, of course, showcase my work. 

    So I want to announce two gallery shows accepted my watercolors (bellow) And don't hesitate to visit  Kladovaart Etsy shop to buy and support my art. See you soon.

1) Parklane Gallery, Kirkland 


2) Magnuson Park Gallery, Seattle 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New paintings in my Etsy shop

For me, Still life is always about symbolism. This is something I've learned from Dutch artists long time ago while attending an art school. All my learning process was built on still life drawing and painting. That's why I carried this warm feeling through the years. I love to combine subjects according to the meaning they have for me. It's like you can't write and read but you need to share the message or tell the story either of the whole life or of the particular moment. Hence, here they are... Some of my watercolor still lifes. Be my guest in my Kladovaart Etsy shop

 "An Autumn challenge"
"Laws of time"

Monday, June 3, 2024

New Ballerina paintings completed recently

  Hello, guys, June and July are closed for commissions. I still have a few spots in August. September and October are open. I'm taking orders via Ikladova@gmail.com only