Mushroom illustrations are in my portfolio
Today is not the same as in the past. (Chapter 1)
Elderly people say that long time ago the kingdom Fungi was ruled by the king Agaric the Haney. His words were sweet but the heart desired for eternal life only. He ruled the country for too long and his poison began to corrode him from the inside. He was afraid of losing power, life and his wealth. People in the kingdom tried to resist his madness. Then, in order to intimidate people and strengthen his power, he released a rumor about an Unknown Darkness that is spreading across the world and is about to swallow the kingdom. The only way to defend yourself is to make a sacrifice. Therefore, by decree of the king, every day all the inhabitants of the kingdom had to come to the palace to bend their knees . And the royal guard was choosing a few people to fry them along with onions and potatoes and serve on a platter to the king sitting in the depths of his palace. He read in some historical book that it is a remedy for all diseases.